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Amateur Radio Taipei|
 Team List
2025 VHF SSB QSO Party Team
Team's Name:Amateur Radio Taipei 台北業餘無線電促進會ART
Web site:Web Link
Callsign use:BV0VQP BX0VQP
Contact Name Or Callsign:BU2BO
QSL information:P.O.Box73-326, Taipei city, Taiwan
QTH:Keelung City,Taiwan (BV1) 基隆外木山, PL05ud
Altitude :2M
Geographic location:25°09'47.2"N 121°43'36.2"E
Geographic location 2:25.16315873686674, -238.273189445572
Equipment Information:
Type of Antenna:Horizontally polarized wave
Anteanna:2M-10EL Yagi,2M-Vertical GP,6M-HB9CV 2EL,HF-Vertical GP
Transceiver:ICOM IC-275H*2,IC-746*2
Amplifier:Tokyo Hy-Power HL-350VDX*2 , HL-550FX*2
Team members:BU2BO, BU2BE, BU2EO, BU2DH, BM2NPH, BV5OO
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VHF QSO Party, Amateur Radio Taipei