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The epidemic is getting worse, please handle activities in accordance with government regulations and pay attention to personal health and safety.
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To promote the VHF band (2M & 6M) DX contact around this area, Amateur Radio of Taipei(ART) will host the 15th VHF QSO Party(VQP 2024) on the first weekend of June 2024. Hams and DX clubs are welcome to participate in the VQP 2024.
VHF QSO Party 2024

DATE : 2024/06/01 UTC 00:00 to 2024/06/02 UTC 07:00
For 2M :
Call Channel : 144.110MHz SSB
Please QSY once the contact is made.
For SSB mode, please QSY between 144.120MHz and 144.500MHz.
For CW mode, please QSY between 144.100MHz and 144.000MHz.
For 6M :
Call Channel :50.110MHz
Please QSY once the contact is made.
HF Contact frequency: 7.110MHz LSB
You can also share you VHF activity info on [2M SSB Activity], so other parties may be interested in contacting with you.
Please fill up the form in the [Registration], let the other parties can find your info[Team List]
And please help promote VQP by spred information and invitaed other ham to joinin the activity.
Any Suggestions or Comments about VHF QSO Party are welcome, Please contact BU2AT BU2AT
2024 VQP Logo download。
2024 Logo
If you need other graphic format,Please contact BU2BF BU2BF
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VHF QSO Party, Amateur Radio Taipei